Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Why I Don't Care if My Husband Sees Your Boobs

Recently, some of my Facebook friends have been sharing a blog post titled "My Husband Doesn't Need to See Your Boobs". Since I haven't had anything that I have felt the need to blog about, I have decided that I feel pretty passionately about my feelings towards this blog post so I am going to throw my opinions out in the open for anyone and everyone to criticize.

Honestly, I have, and probably always will be, a woman who will wear what I want to, when I want to because dang it, I am a grown woman and will do what I want. Typically, as long as they aren't running around naked, I don't care what other women wear. If you want to wear a bikini, knock yourself out.I don't care if you want to post pictures of your spring break trip on Facebook for everyone, even my husband (gasp!), to see.

Do you want to know why? My husband chose ME. He chose me with all my imperfections and insecurities. He chose me with my wide hips, my scarred stomach that has a small pouch, he chose my cellulite covered thighs that are a little thicker than I'd like them to be. My husband chose me for who I am and the body that will one day bear his children (extra pounds and all).

I have insecurities just like any other woman in the world, I look through pictures and think "I wish I looked that good in a bikini" and "Look at how flat her stomach is, I wish mine looked like that". We notice the tiny details of other women's bodies... Want to know a secret? Men usually don't. Boobs are just boobs to them - not feelings of anything other than a glance. Just because a man glances at another woman doesn't mean he loves you any less, it doesn't even mean he finds her attractive. Instead of blaming the women who you believe are dressing immodestly and expecting them to "cover up so your husband doesn't have the temptation", look in the mirror and evaluate your own insecurities. Stop shaming the women who are confident with the way they look and do something to become confident in your own skin.

The point of this post is not to shame those who are insecure, but to offer an insight from someone who can be insecure. Someone who knows that sometimes it is hard to see women who look great all the time when you don't feel your best. But please, remember that your husband married you and you hold his heart. None of the other women have that.  You are beautiful to the man who promised you FOREVER. Love yourself and the body that God gave you - it's yours for the rest of your life, so you might as well embrace it!

To read the article in reference, click here.